7 day launch Monday October 21st 2019 10am UCT – Closing on Monday 28th 10amUCT

Grab your share of the cash 100%

The Front End of Amazon is priced at $7.99 with One Time Offer 1 being $9.99 100% commissions are being paid on the entire funnel.

The funnel breakdown is as below and the sales pages can be viewed by clicking on the appropriate links below.

Anybody interested in Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon) will love this training course.

Promotional material, Email Swipes, Banners, Social Media Swipes etc,

can be found below.

Thank You and see you on Monday October 21st 2019 at 10am UCT.

About The Product / Sales Funnel


Front End

Here’s exactly what they will discover in this course:


10-Part Video Training Series


Promo Tools

Use These Ready-Made Swipes & Promo Tools To Make Easy Commissions! ​


Subject lines you may use:

[FIRSTNAME], New Guide – “Amazon FBA Success”
[FIRSTNAME], Launch Your Own Amazon FBA Business
[FIRSTNAME], Brand new guide for you!
[FIRSTNAME], Get instant access to my latest product!
[FIRSTNAME], Grab your latest guide!


If you’re an internet marketer or someone who wants to start a side hustle, then you NEED to hear this.

Amazon FBA is the hype of today.

And it certainly isn’t something that will die out a few months or years later.

Amazon FBA means “Fulfilment By Amazon.” It means that Amazon stores and delivers products that you choose, direct to customers.

And it’s truly game changing for the “make money online” crowd. It has already made a lot of people, very rich.

I’ve written a step-by-step guide on how you can start and launch your very own successful Amazon FBA business starting today.

It’s called: Amazon FBA Success.

You can grab your copy here:


Here are some benefits you’ll get from getting this course:

• How to set up your own product listings on Amazon

• How to choose the right products and calculate pricing and profits

• How to pick products that sell reliably and won’t go out of fashion – every time

• How to create your own brand NEW products, extremely easily

• How to make store listings that get discovered easily

• How to market products, create buzz, and generate sales

• How to get amazing reviews from customers, leading to more visibility and more sales!

• The best strategies for effective market research

• The best tools and tips to help you scale your business

• Common pitfalls to avoid

• And so much more!

Make sure you claim your copy right now while it’s hot!


To Your Success,

P.S. – If there’s one thing you look at today, make sure you get this:



I’ve written a step-by-step guide on how you can start and launch your very own successful Amazon FBA business starting today.

It’s called: Amazon FBA Success.

You can grab your copy here:


Here are some benefits you’ll get from getting this course:

• How to set up your own product listings on Amazon

• How to choose the right products and calculate pricing and profits

• How to pick products that sell reliably and won’t go out of fashion – every time

• How to create your own brand NEW products, extremely easily

• And so much more!


To Your Success,

Facebook & Other Social Media

Post 1:

Headline: Finally! Your Guide To Setting Up a HIGHLY Profitable Amazon FBA Business

Text: Sell REAL Products to REAL Customers


Post 2:

Headline: Amazon FBA Success

Text: Create a Highly Scalable Business Selling Amazing Products


Post 3:

Headline: Stop messing around with digital products and services

Text: The real money comes from physical products. Learn everything you need to know!


Post 4:

Headline: Learn to set up a business selling products

Text: Minimal up-front investment, and have it running in one day! for INCREDIBLE results.


Post 5:

Headline: Get Your Guide: Mind Reset

Text: In this guide, you’ll find out a step-by-step guide to lasting change in your mindset and your life

Twitter Tweets

Tweet #1:

Sell physical products without leaving your chair: {INSERT LINK}


Tweet #2:

With Amazon FBA, anyone can sell physical products for money. Here’s how: {INSERT LINK}


Tweet #3:

Amazon FBA is the key to making REAL cash online. Here’s how – {INSERT LINK}


Tweet #4:

Limited Time Only: Grab Your Copy of “Amazon FBA Success” {INSERT LINK}


Tweet #5:

Just Released: “Amazon FBA Success” Life Changing Course {INSERT LINK}


Signature #1:

Claim Your Guide on How To Create a Product Business Today


Signature #2:

Let Amazon Handle Storage and Fulfilment – Just Pick Great Products and Profit! Learn How!


Signature #3:

Download Your Copy of My Brand New Guide: “Amazon FBA Success”


Signature #4:

Set up a scalable business selling physical products in ONE day


Signature #5:

What’s stopping you from starting your own product business? Download the book NOW:

Signature #1:

P.S. – Claim your guide on how to become a reseller:



Signature #2:

By the way, you can grab your copy of my latest manual called “Amazon FBA Success” to learn how to set up a business selling products



Signature #3:

P.S. – Download your copy of my brand-new guide: Amazon FBA Success


Learn to become a reseller without spending lots or storing inventory in your living room!


Signature #4:

P.S. – Get instant access to your guide on how to become an Amazon FBA seller:



Signature #5:

P.S. – Learn the easiest way to build a business selling REAL products:


Affiliates must not use the following promotional methods under any circumstances

1. Sending Spam.

2. Using negative words such as scam in any PPC or promotional campaign.

3. Using cash rebates.

4. Please do not misrepresent our product/offer and follow any endorsement rules and regulations that are applicable both in the country where you are based and in the countries from which you are sending website traffic or advertising in.

5. Please do not use cookie stuffing.

6. Do not buy through your own affiliate link.

The new FTC Guidelines for affiliate marketing came into effect on December 1st 2009. As an affiliate or JV partner you’ve read and fully agree to the terms listed on the official FTC Website http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/guides.shtm to ensure that you’re promotions are compliant with the new guideline.